Our friend Staci Lee Kennelly wrote about a new project she was starting in January and a few of us Viewfinder gals decided to follow her and join in. The project is called 12 Months of Film (follow it on Instagram here) and it invites everyone who is interested to shoot a roll of film a month, changing the film type or the camera type each month. Similar to Staci, I was having trouble picking up my film cameras and figured this might be a soft way to go back to shooting more analog. Plus, it gives me an excuse to use a few of the cameras and rolls of film I have collected throughout the years.
For the month of January, I chose to use my Pentax 67ii medium format camera with a roll of Kodak Gold. I also took a day trip to San Francisco to shoot my roll there, because I knew I would have no trouble finding things to photograph. Here are some of my favorite ones!

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Oh! Beautiful. I need to try this too!
Oh YES! Gorgeous images! I’ve shirked with my film but Spring is coming and I can feel the creative juices starting to flow again.
Yes yes yes. 💚💚💚