
In contemplation, Digital, Life, Uncategorized
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At the end of each year, time seems to accelerate. One day I’m enjoying the lazy summer days, the next it’s time to carve pumpkins, and then…Christmas holidays! And as things get busier, I find less and less time to get out for the photo walks I enjoy. Is this relatable for you?

As 2022 draws to a close, I scrolled back through my phone’s camera roll, looking for hidden gems I perhaps haven’t shared here. I’m so behind in culling photos and backing up those I want to keep, but that chore will have to keep until after the holidays. For now, having those photos at hand helps me reflect on some of the fun times and small moments that were a part of my year.

As I look back, several themes show up. Nature and plants appear frequently, no matter what time of year.

Food and drink are also woven throughout my camera roll.

Documenting travels, both near and far, is always inspiring to me.

And as many of you know, city scenes, street art, and “kitsch” are a regular part of my repertoire.

Of course, some of my most favorite images are those of my family and friends (which I’m not sharing without permission), in addition to the recurring themes I’ve shared here. How about you…when you look through your camera roll, are there themes that show up again and again? If so, share with me in the comments what you’re most inclined to shoot.


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